Un barbat care-şi ofensa mereu soţia, chemă un grup de prieteni să-l acompanieze, să-şi conducă soţia…


Azi fata mea împlineste 21 ani şi sunt încântat că e ultima pensie alimentară pe care…

Un tanar bancher si croitor :))

And you thought …road signs cant be much hilarious !!!!!

Top 10 filthy riddles part.2

01. What’s most useful when it’s long and hard? A college education. 02. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s is…

Top 10 filthy riddles part.1

1. What goes in dry and hard, but comes out wet and soft? Chewing gum, you…

Drunk John and a cop… this is hilarious!!!!!!!!

A redhead, dressed very sexy is approached by a very handsome guy

PARENTS !!!!!!!!!, can they be much funnier ???????

Some Indian jokes

Frustrated professional life…. HR: kaha gaye the? ?? Employee: Baal katwaane ??. HR: office hours me?…